The Stories Waiting to be Told

Sharing our Impact through Storytelling

Over the course of our four years, we have collected a lot of stories. 

There are the celebratory stories of launching our micro-middle school for the 2019 - 2020 school year, and the universally-felt stories of pivoting to virtual learning in March of 2020 with the onset of a global pandemic. (We never could have forecasted the prominence of the phrase “unprecedented times” in some of our origin stories.) 

There are the stories behind the bikes serviced at Framework Cycles and the cups poured at Pinwheel Coffee, our Enterprises that serve as real-world classrooms for youth learners while thoughtfully exploring the intersection of business, education, and community.

There are the stories of launching the Iterative Space Residency for educators in Summer of 2020, as we wondered if anyone would actually be game for an in-person gathering just a few short months into the unprecedented times (there was that phrase again) of COVID-19. 

There are the continued stories sparked by the experiences of our youth learners, our enterprise teams, and our adult learners, all of whom inspire and drive our body of work.

Here’s the thing about stories: there is a quiet beauty in collecting them, storing them in our minds and holding them in our hearts where they slowly become ingrained into who we are, informing our choices and how we move through the world. 

But, there is an immense power in sharing stories; in sharing learnings and inspirations from big moments, small moments, and all the moments in between.

We have collected a lot of stories. We have held them, reflected on them, and learned from them. They have been invaluable in shaping us into the organization that we are today. 

And, we believe our stories are ripe for sharing. Not because we have all of the answers. Not because we think our approach to creating learner-centered experiences is the only approach. But, to intentionally share the learnings that we have accrued along the way.

In sharing our impact, our hope is that we can spark new insights, perspectives, and ideas. If nothing else, we are excited to offer a peek inside our approach to pushing on the boundaries of what learning could look like for youth and adults. We have found tremendous inspiration from the stories shared with us by peer organizations and thought partners, and our hope is to do the same.

We invite you to follow along and share in our celebrations, our challenges, and perhaps most significantly, in our learnings.

Great Work, Inc.